When I was pregnant with Noah they offered me the genetic tests, but my doctor also told me that they have a very high rate of false positives, i think she said 40%! This means that the test will read positive for a genetic disorder, but will be false 40% of the time. That is soo high when you think about it. She actually recommended that i not recieve the tests. And I fully agree.
The reason why this is such a hot topic is because many of the test that come back if they do test positive for a genetic disorder they recommend that the mom terminate her pregnancy. If this were the case taking into consideration the false positive rate, 4:100 babies would be killed because a test was wrong. OK so admittedly i am making a guess at what the false positive rate is but isnt one killed baby to much? Why are we trying to take the power from God and put it in our hands? Why are we always questioning God's perfect timing?
So lets logically look at how genetic testing improves the lives of pregnant women. In one corner we have the mom who takes the test. It comes back negative! Cause for celebration! Then what happens if the test was wrong? OR their was some other complication during childbirth? Has the mom unknowingly put her faith in the hands of the Doctors only to be let down?
Lets say that the test comes back positive, and the Doctor suggests abortion. The mother is then faced with she either spend her pregnancy preparing for a life of care for a disabled child or she kills her child and has to deal with this loss forever not know if she did the right thing. Where is the upside here?
How would it help the pregnancy to know if your child will have a problem. How would worring and stressing out about the genetic makeup of your unborn baby encourage bonding between the mother and child? In my opinion when you are pregnant you know that it is risky for many reason, many parents try to prepare themselves for any outcome. In my opinion genetic testing is a lose lose situation and all mothers should refuse it.
Found your blog through Drea's. So with you on this genetic testing thing. Nothing should ever be pushed on you like this.
This is a great post. I found your blog through Drea! I feel the same way.
I also wanted to say you have some great reads at the bottom of your blog. I'm all for natural birth! I had both my children at home, my last was a waterbirth. I love the Bradley method and Dr. Sears Rocks!
I hoping to have a home water birth the second time around whenever that time comes! I luved the bradley method and will do it for all of my births!thanks for the comment.
I also didn't take the test. Personally I spoke over myself and my babies every day when I was prego and trusted in God, that was enough for me!
I also am totally for natural childbirth (not sure if I know the bradely method?? maybe I do, I just don't know it as that specifically). Don't think I would do a home birth, but ya never know! haha
If I am thinking of the correct books, I also have read a lot by Dr. Sears (Jan & ?? right?)
The power of prayer was very significant in my birth i prayed specifically for an uncomplicated and unmedicated birth and that is exactly what i got. The bradley method is very much the idea that we are all women and our bodies know what to do to deliver a baby, we dont need medical intervention(if their are no complications).If helps you learn how to relax and let your body do the work. Back to prayer i know i was praying during the whole labor!lol!
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