Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pneumonia? Maybe Not...

Here is the update on Noah. Last Friday I finally got him into the Dr's. at 3:45pm. I told them that he was having trouble breathing and that he needed to see someone today. The receptionist told me that I could always take him to the ER. I ask her if she thought it was Er worthy, she told me it was up to me. So, I told her that I would monitor him and if they couldn't get me in today by closing then I would take him to the ER. SO when we finally got in, she said she hear some fluid in his lungs (the weird rattling sound) and was going to treat him for pneumonia. So we stopped at the Pharmacy to pick up his two anti-biotic, one steroid, and breathing treatments, along with his aerosol machine! I ask the Pharmacist if he needed all of this( I wanted a second opinion) She said that it is rare for two anti-biotic to be scribed, but it isn't like it never happens. But if I wanted i could hold off one anti-biotic I could. So that is what I did. We were then sent to the hospital for a chest x-ray that would be sent to the Dr. So all memorial day weekend we were staying home and giving Noah his treatments (and trying to get him to eat).

Finally on Tuesday we hear back from the Dr. The chest x-ray was negative. Kurt ask if we should still give him all his medication, they said yes. So We are continuing for another 5 days at least on anti-biotic and breathing treatments (the steroid was only for 5 days).

But it is just frustrating. First of all because my mom instincts told me that it is waaaay to much medication. Second it wasn't even pneumonia! It did however, give me a small glimpse in to the life of moms who have children who have long term health problems. I can see why they are always stressed out. Constantly having to depend on what Dr.s say and fitting into their schedule. Our whole health care system has advanced technologically, but has back pedalled when it comes to customer care. When ever I have to deal with Dr.s or hospitals I feel like a cog that comes through the manufacturing line, only to be spit out when its over. But it's like you have to get your child treatment. I dont know how many times I wish I had training in health care or something so that I could take care of my family. If I had time & money to study something like that I would.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Sick Mister Noah

Well so much for taking away the pacifier. It will need to be put on hold for now. Noah had a fever of 102.5 last night and woke up with this weird rasp when he breaths in. And he was very clingy and lethargic last night as well, so I let him have his pacifier. He slept better(I think he is run down from lack to sleep!) last night with it, but like I said woke up a sore throat. So we will see how he is today. Kurt said his fever has gone down. Poor little guy. I hate it when he is sick. My brother came over to play with him last night, and he just didn't want to play at all.

The weather has been so nice lately it has me thinking about bike rides! I have a bike, Kurt does not, and we don't have anything for Noah. I wonder if they still make those seats that you can attach. He would probably need a helmet too! But I know we can't afford one of those little pull behind things. Anyone know of ideas to include kids on bike rides?

I was also searching for some good prenatal products. I found this website that sounds like it has awesome feedback from moms. EarthMamaAngelBaby. It is organic, herbal teas, and body care products. I am going to try a few. I will let you know how it goes.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Pacifier

For the last three night's Noah has gone to sleep without his pacifier. Which is a good thing....but it has come with some not so fun side effects. He now wakes up earlier. Tuesday...7:30 am, Wednesday... 7:00 am, Today...6:30! And he went to bed later than normal last night, 8:30 when he is usually down by 8pm.

I am starting to wonder if I should let him have it for awhile longer if it means two more hours of sleep. He usually only uses it while he sleeps. He doesn't seem like he misses it, but he wakes up and doesn't go back to sleep?? I don't want to get to the point where he is so attached to it.

The get up time wouldn't be a big deal but Kurt works second right now and he has to get up with him after I leave for work. This means 6, maybe 7 hours of sleep. So I feel bad for him. Any ideas?

I did have a piece of good news to share. I found out yesterday that Victoria Secret. com now carries Nursing Bras! It is about time! It is hard to find quality nursing bras. In fact all of mine from Noah are worn out! So I am going to order a few and see if they are well made and easy to use!

It is still setting in that I will be doing all this baby stuff all over!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Noah is going through this phase...well maybe not a phase, but I hope it is. He wants to do everything himself. Like feed himself, and put his clothes on and get his own milk, and...wich some of the time isnt a problem. There are alot of finger foods that he can eat on his own. But if I give him something that needs a fork or spoon he doesnt eat much of it. Most of it ends up all over the place. When I try to help him he fusses and has a mini trantrum.

I understand why he is frustrated, he wants to do alot of things that he just doesnt have the skill for yet. Oh and adding to it he is testing us...when we say "No" or tell him to put something "down" (both of which he understands). He smiles and runs the other way. Grrr! So I am trying to ignore the trantrums or leave the room so that he doesnt get attention out of it. But with the testing, i have had to put him in his crib, with no toys or blankets, several times this past weekend. He really doesnt like it when i do that. I have heard one minute/age, so he gets one minute and 1/2, haha. Then when i get him out i say he needs to listen to, whatever that situation was.

It is so funny that there is so many ways to dicipline, but i think that you just need to know your child, spanking did not work, or does not work for Noah right now...and I really dont know how much force to use, also i noticed that when i spanked him, he wanted to hit me back...almost like a game,so the crib is working just fine right now. Maybe in the future...a naughty chair like nanny 911 haha.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Second Baby on the way!

This is the announcement. Kurt and I are expecting again! The funny part is that we were one month early..we were going to try in may, so that we would have a different month for birthdays, but God had other plans! haha. So I am due (again) in December, on the 26th. Noah will have to share his birthday month with the new baby & Christmas! I am exited for Noah to have a sibling to play with.
I have already started a list of things to do differently this time around. Not that we made mistakes with Noah, but you improve your game plan each time. I do plan to wear this next baby more often. Not only because my hands will be full with two, but also because I wish I would have worn Noah more. Second, I think I will breastfeed longer with the second, mainly because the transition from breast milk to regular milk takes a while. It does not happen over night, like I thought. Also baby wearing will help with breastfeeding. I also have told Kurt that I would like to stay home after the second one comes. It is just hard financially to do sometimes. There are a few other things that are one my list too. I just cant think of them right now....preggo brain is already starting. There is so much to think of with a new baby on the way. I have not been sick...just suuuuuper tired! I cant get enough sleep. This is why I haven't blogged in soo long. I am 8 weeks this is what a ba-bay looks like at this time.