Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Pacifier

For the last three night's Noah has gone to sleep without his pacifier. Which is a good thing....but it has come with some not so fun side effects. He now wakes up earlier. Tuesday...7:30 am, Wednesday... 7:00 am, Today...6:30! And he went to bed later than normal last night, 8:30 when he is usually down by 8pm.

I am starting to wonder if I should let him have it for awhile longer if it means two more hours of sleep. He usually only uses it while he sleeps. He doesn't seem like he misses it, but he wakes up and doesn't go back to sleep?? I don't want to get to the point where he is so attached to it.

The get up time wouldn't be a big deal but Kurt works second right now and he has to get up with him after I leave for work. This means 6, maybe 7 hours of sleep. So I feel bad for him. Any ideas?

I did have a piece of good news to share. I found out yesterday that Victoria Secret. com now carries Nursing Bras! It is about time! It is hard to find quality nursing bras. In fact all of mine from Noah are worn out! So I am going to order a few and see if they are well made and easy to use!

It is still setting in that I will be doing all this baby stuff all over!


Drea said...

My friend kelly ( has 3 kids. and she took away their pacifiers after age 2. She said they really had no issues with it. Ive heard otherwise tho ;-)

With Caleb we took it away the day after he turned 1. took him a week or so to get back to normal.. but he never was to sad.
He was just a pacifier baby at naps and bedtime.. never during the day. I think that helped.

Taite on the other hand uses one during the day.. and is very clingy towards it. he looks for them when he doesnt have one.
He will give us a lot more trouble and tears... so im thinking ill wait til hes 2 and can talk to him about it... maybe.
I havent decided yet.. but hes already 17 mo. so I dunno.

I dont let him use it in public tho or out if possible.

I think if you want to get rid of it tho do it before the new baby comes.. cause he'll see that pacifier and want it if you try and take it when she/he is born. If you take it now by the time new baby is born he wont remember it :-)

Anonymous said...

Do what is best for you, Kurt and Noah. Don't worry, I promise he will not want his pacifier at age 10! I agree with Andrea. I also agree with your comment about parenting, it does not get harder it just changes. I think my parenting has gotten less hands on and more mental.

I have a diversified group, different ages with different challenges.

Plus I have HB, he was over last night and we talked this morning, I just love him! He isn't looking for advice, just likes to talk.

Take care, everything will be fine!

Mandi said...

I had heard a rumor about the Victoria's Secret Nursing Bras. Woo-hoo for stylish nursing! LOL! About time! Let me know what you think. now we are due like 2 days apart...We're Dec 24th and you're Dec 26th! How funny! We too hope it's a boy, but after three girls you kinda get used to all the pink!!!
