Childhood Obesity is a problem. Everyone knows it. We have heard about it and we have seen it, maybe in our own children. This is the FIRST generation that will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents! Meaning they will be the first generation in america that are expected to NOT live as long or longer than their parents. Why is this happening? *I grabbed this pic from the CDC website.
For many reasons, inactivity, fast food, modern convienence, video games, TV, movies, nutrition (or lack of), and the list goes on. Maybe it is just a lack of education. How can parents have an impact on how healthy their children are?
This is my opinion:
First of we HAVE to be good role models. And it is hard to eat healthy, especially if you have time constraints (all mothers do). But I have learned that nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Secondly, we must start early, and stick to our guns. Start your baby eating only healthy items and their taste buds and brain will develop a prefrence to them. Here is a quick list.
1) avocado
2) broccoli
3) brown rice
4) cheese
5) eggs
6) fish (samon is great, DHA)
7) kidney beans
8) oatmeal
9) whole grain pasta
10) sweet potatos
12) turkey
13) yogurt
14) lentils
Lastly, Encourge activity. I know that if you are worn out yourself this can be hard. Another reason taking care of yourself will help you be a better parent! I have had to learn this the hard way. Take them outside to play and use their imagination. Take them to the park. Dont let them watch too much tv (this is also a hard one).
The more that you stick to this the easier it will be in the long run. It is hard for me as well, in fact it is one of my new years resolutions. I am so thankful for Noah's health and it really is a relief to know that i am doing my part to keep it that way. It is so important. It really is the number one health risk because it influences so many other health things. Info on childhood obesity can be found here.
You are right about nutrition. I am reading another book...which I will share with you later. It really emphasizes the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diets. It builds up our immune system, which is so important. I try to limit drive through fat food to once a week.
As far as childhood obesity, forcing our kids to "clean their plates" is an injustice. It teaches them to eat past full, which is not good.
I agree, the parents should initiate healthy eating.
By the way (on the milk topic) you are right about being cautious with milk. I have read the two thing that cause alergic reactions are wheat and milk. Introducing Noah cautiously to food is the right thing to do. He is healthy and not obese.
Hey, if you can, viit my blog. We had an incident with a truck today and I put a pic on there.
It really is true! I don't by any means think that I am obese, but I could definitly be healthier (I've had a few obsitcls...). Anyway, in society today it is definitly hard to eat healthy and live ahealthy life, because fast food is on every corner! That is one thing I have been fairly strict about with my son, I normally only give him healthy snacks (fruit, veggies, cheese...) other than he gets treats (yogurt covered raisins) when he goes to the potty. haha
Great idea with the yogurt raisins! Way better than the m&m idea that i had heard about. I need to keep that in mind when potty training comes around!
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