Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Noah loves spring!

We had a good weekend. We spent time at home and cleaned house, etc. Noah has been wanting to go outside all the time. He will go to the door and put his boots on! So we have been going out to check on the plants and play with Nala (our little dog).

Also, we live next to and elementary school that has a great playground, so we have been going down there. Noah loves the slide and the swings.Photobucket

I also put our summer sheets (non flannel) on the bed. Noah wants to be on the bed all the time right now. We have been playing hide and seek under the blankets, so I think he thinks that anytime he is on the bed it is fun! I bet you didnt know toes lint could be this captivating!

He has also been such a copy cat. We have an exercise ball that we use. Now Noah is sitting on his ball and bouncing! It is so funny that he has made that connection.
Noah is a good child, but we are starting to deal with some little fits. Not to bad, just when he doesnt want to do something or he wants something he cant have.

But I am also happy to report that he has grown an inch and 1/2 since his one year mark! When you see them everyday you dont realize how fast they grow! He is also 24lbs now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not make the connection of the park at the school being so close to your house. That's real convenient and you and Noah can just bop over there in the evenings to unwind. You will have some great memories there!