Thursday, March 6, 2008

I am raising a little daredevil!

Noah is hilarious when it comes to fear. He doesnt have any! He wants to climb everything, go up and down stairs, etc. Noone has taught him this stuff. If thier was ever a case for case for boys and girls are fundamentally born with different mind sets he is a shoe in! He wants tractors and hats and wheels. He animals too, but not the birds and rabbits, nooooo he likes the Bear...Grrr, and the Lion... Rooar! He has picked up signing like a champ. He knows many of the signs for the animals. I guess we gave him a proper name, lol. Here is my montage of what he has been up to lately. Enjoy.


Mrs. Abrams-Ruque said...

aw noah is such a cutie! bailey likes the noises he makes too, he kept staring into my speakers with this funny expression, he just couldn't figure it out though. lol.

well it looks like the weather is supposed to suck this weekend! go figure :( maybe the storm will miss us and you guys can still come visit... wishful thinking :)

miss ya!! ttyl.

Renee Shaw said...

What a cutie!
I was wondering when the next post would come!! :)

Elaine said...

Thanks, lol. Yes I would like to post more often, but it's a sqeeze for time most dayz!