Right now Kurt and I are doing a devotional on finances and giving. One of the activities is to count the times that people do things for you, that save you money, as blessings and to take that into consideration when you are giving back to the church or to missions or to a charity of your choice. So when people have been bring meals and such, that saves us because we aren't using groceries that we have bought and it is already prepared for us so it is more like eating out, plus we get to fellowship with friends.
Right now we(along with many people) are going through a tight budgeting time with Kurt being laid off AND going to school, and me on maternity leave (mostly paid, but not all). We have really had to re-examine our spending and how much we are relying on God to provide for us. It has definitely made us more appreciative of what we do have. It is funny I feel more content about "having things" now than I did when I was younger and had more money to spend on myself. It is almost as if life gets more realistic as you gain maturity.
Speaking of blessings, Micah is napping, Noah is with Daddy running errands and I get some free time! I am posting and doing devotionals :)
Noah is doing so well with the change from only child to big brother. I can tell he has a little bit of jealousy, like when I am taking pics of Micah, he says, "take a picture of Noah?" So I have been doing my best to keep him in the loop. I can also tell that he is developing feelings of love for Micah, he always wants to know where he is and be in the same room as Micah. He regularly hugs and kisses Micah as well. So here are some fun pictures.
Noah wearing one of Micah's hats
Noah giving the pump a try! lol